
Data architect and software developer

Mandela Effect Search Trends: When Collective Memory Shifts

Analyzing search volume data, I found that Mandela Effects peak in sudden waves rather than gradually. Using raw search data instead of Google’s normalized trends, this study uncovers when and how these memory shifts went viral. Are they just misrememberings, or something more? 🚀

How To 5g Proof Your Bedroom

Coincidence? On September 26, 2019, 5G technology was introduced in Wuhan, China, and its rollout seemed to oddly coincide with […]

Trolley Problem Solved

Problem: Let’s say you see a trolley headed towards a track with 5 people tied on the tracks. You have […]

Merge Sort Example in C++

A merge sort is a O(n log n) sorting algorithm. I show in this example how to implement a merge sort in c++ using recursion. This algorithm is a divide & conquer based algorithm.