How To 5g Proof Your Bedroom


On September 26, 2019, 5G technology was introduced in Wuhan, China, and its rollout seemed to oddly coincide with the surge in COVID-19 cases. Is this merely a coincidence?

The symptoms of COVID-19 bear a striking resemblance to high-altitude sickness. During the Spanish flu, a key issue was impaired blood coagulation, while COVID-19 involved a lack of oxygen in the blood. These similarities suggest a possible link to electrical toxicity rather than traditional infection. We are electrical beings. We’ve been led to believe that electricity is harmless. Turns out we have been misled. For further insight, consider reading The Truth About Contagion by Cowan or The Invisible Rainbow by Firsetenberg.

EMF Paint to the Rescue

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

You might recall the concerns about lead paint in old houses harming children. Interestingly, lead is known to block radiation exposure. Is this another coincidence?

To protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), consider using EMF-blocking paint. I applied this to the bedrooms in my home and noticed a significant improvement to my well-being and quality sleep. EMF paint has long been used in recording studios to prevent equipment interference and distortion. You can find EMF paint at Home Depot.

Here’s how to apply it:

  1. Paint all the walls and ceiling with some EMF paint. You can find some at home depot. You may have to order it.
    Home Depot EMF Paint
  2. Connect the surfaces using copper tape, which you can purchase from Amazon. Ensure the copper tape is conductive on both sides.
    EMF Painted WallEMF Painted Wall with Grounding Plate
  3. Use a multi-meter to ensure all five surfaces (ceiling included) are properly connected. This is called a continuity test and it will ensure there is good contact across all 5 surfaces.
  4. Ground everything to an outlet. You can use grounding kits from Amazon or a metal plate that makes good contact with the wall. Copper tape will help ensure the plate is making contact. Test the room with an EMF meter to ensure effective shielding.
  5. Finally, paint over the EMF paint with your chosen color. You might need multiple coats and/or some putty to cover the copper tape completely.

This process can help reduce your exposure to potentially harmful EMF frequencies and improve your overall well-being. Check out the results of the EMF meter test below. 

EMF Paint
EMF Meter
Copper Tape
Grounding Plate

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