Get free stuff for searching the internet! is a site designed to compensate people for using their site to do their day to day searching with swagbucks. You can use these so called swagbucks for gift cards, prizes, or even trade in for cash. Some examples of what you can redeem your swagbucks for are:
- 70SB – $5 cash in Paypal
- 60SB – The Office Season 5
- Many other prizes
- Use the search engine for all your searches
- Use the widget that will notify you 95% of the time when swagcodes are available
- Refer friends to help you out. Sign them up through your referral link. You will get each point your friend gets from the searches.
1. Go here and sign up. You will get 3 free swagbucks complimentary of
2. Start searching. (After about 3 valid searches you will get another swagbuck. Do not search randomly as it can decrease your chances of winning)