Don Page

I enjoy growing software and experiencing life.

Code Goes Here

I am starting to see how thinking like a developer can help in being a good tester. I was able […]

Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I am here to learn so might as well ask lots of questions.

Focused Swapping

One thing I learned with schoolwork that seems to be the same while working is try something out for a […]

Open Source MTM?

So I have been working with Microsoft Test Manager 2010 and it can be really buggy at times. MTM is […]

C Sharp

Today I started programming in c sharp with visual studio. One thing I am grateful that BYU-I teaches again and […]

Automated Testing

Today I learned how to write automated tests with c sharp and visual studio. There is a library called WhatiN […]

Apply what you know

I want to take advantage of my internship and learn not only what they want me to learn but apply […]

Internship Goals

Today I am making some goals for what I want to get out of my internship. One of them being, […]