Years Experience
Who am I?
I am a data architect with 10+ years of software development. I have a masters in Computer Science at Georgia Tech with their OMSCS program specializing in interactive intelligence. I absolutely love to grow software and solve problems. That is right software grows. Some software grows better than others. Throughout my career in software industry I have realized that the development process is less of an engineering practice and more like art. Even today there are many techies, boffins, & skiddies (script kiddies) that fail to understand this concept and as a result plague the industry with failed software projects. A few years back I realized AI was quickly taking over the role of software development and so I pivoted into data science and automation.
Why do I enjoy data science and automation? Because every technical problem is a new challenge never before solved. Like exploring uncharted territory. A well written algorithm can put us light years ahead . Take the shortest path problem as an example. Given some nodes and vertices with corresponding weights, find a path between two nodes whose sum of weights is minimal. We solved this problem but for a long time the solution’s difficulty increased exponentially as the number of nodes increased. Using the right algorithm for a particular problem can make all the difference. I love to learn and create. The knowledge within the domain of computer science is ever expanding and we have yet uncovered even the surface especially now with LLM models being shared like candy.
While most of my professional experience is with software and data, bitcoin is my passion. I first got into bitcoin back in 2013 and quickly became a bitcoin advocate. I believe strongly moving towards a better future where financial freedom is at the core to solving most of the world’s current problems. I did some mining. I ran some bitcoin ATMs. Now I just HODL.
Some of my Favorite Quotes/Phrases
“What is worse, thinking you’re being paranoid or knowing you should be?” – Aaron (Primer)
“The things you own end up owning you” – Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
“History shows it is not possible to insulate yourself from the consequences of others holding money that is harder than yours” – Saifedean Ammous (The Bitcoin Standard)
“I prefer questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned”
“We can only appreciate what we truly are AFTER experiencing what we are NOT”
“Everything in the universe is within you”