A big disadvantage to the xBox 360, especially the early consoles, is they scratch your games. In order to allow your xBox 360 to play your backed/burned games you need to flash your DVD drive. This will ‘trick’ the xBox 360 into thinking you have inserted a valid game. Otherwise the xBox will not read the games. If modded properly, you be able to play your original backed up games on Xbox Live.
This is not an easy process. The process is not the same for every console. It depends on the model type and version of the drive. Since there are many different types of models and versions, it can be very complicated. Even though you know how to open your xbox 360 and connect it to your pc does not mean it is even possible for you to mod it. Most motherboards will not be able to flash it. If you aren’t careful you may end up ‘bricking’ your drive which then will turn your xbox into an expensive paperweight. You can tell what model of drive you have without opening your xBox. Just read my guide here: What model of drive do I have?